Friday, August 20, 2010

My First Foray...

Fox waits in stillness/

for thoughts to arrive, silk wrapped/
in darkness and light...

She talks to herself/
knowing that she is having/
intelligent chat.

Fox wonders why her/
thoughts flee like moonbeams through claws/
when she wants to write...

Then reappear late/
to haunt her. Eyes wide open/
from twilight to dawn.

Lady Kitsune: Mythological Monster Fox hiding in my head…

Want to know what I look like? Well, I won’t show you an actual picture of me, for reasons I’ll get into later.

Imagine this girl here (yeah, you know who it is!) in ten years (if she stays out of that disgusting sunlight!)

Yes, I know it’s Gaga! I KNOW it’s not me. You will just have to use our imagination, because I am not showing you a real pic of me.

Reason 1: The rural southeastern area in which I live, is a very bigoted, prejudiced town. Now I am not saying all the people are bad, but the ones that are, swim at the shallow end of the gene pool and hate any change or difference in society, at both the micro and macro level. I do not want pitchfork carrying goons showing up at my door, or harassing my kids.


I BELIEVE IN FREEDOM AND EQUALITY FOR ALL PEOPLE! No one should be treated badly for their race, beliefs, or lifestyle decisions. Women are just as good as men, albeit for different reasons. That is what creates the balance, the yin and yang of souls, whatever body they inhabit. I believe that we are all the same color under our skin, that God (by whatever name you may choose to call him/her/IT) cannot be quantified or measured by our puny human standards. Therefore we should not judge whom God chose to talk to. And we humans should look at the overall message of any religion: DO GOOD TO OTHERS. Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. Love your fellow humans. AND THEN, we humans should realize that time to GOD cannot be measured by human standards. AND THEN, we should realize that as soon as GOD (Or whatever you wish to call it) communicated with humans, they took what he said and added a plethora of things meant to control and subdue their fellow humans. I’m NOT picking on any one religion here; I’m encompassing every religion that man has EVER come up with. There is truth in them all. And then there is a bunch of useless political, social or religious population control in one form or another.

What has this done to our social evolution? In my opinion, it has bred generations of hate for one or another of our fellow human beings. Until we ALL decide that we can overcome the humanity we have added into our belief system, humans will always be finding excuses to tear one another apart.

READ YOUR HISTORY PEOPLE! Hate for each other has been here for 10,000 years, ever since we figured out what the pointy end of the stick could do. Overcome your instincts, and look into your spirit, your soul that each of you have. Does it not feel better to love and to care for others than to hate and hurt and kill? I know that a lot of organized religions teach that (GOD) is love. Well, if our spiritual leaders were here on earth today, all of them, how would they treat homosexuals/transgenders, women, or people of different races or religions? I seriously doubt that Jesus, Mohammad, Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Shiva would team up to beat the snot out of them! For goodness sake, people please!

REASON 2: (you forgot I had another, right?) *grins*

I like my privacy. I don’t want people reading my thoughts here, just because they are crushing on me or some weird thing like that. So, no pics of me unless I am in costume.

Ok, I will be nice for a little while before I stop. I am the coolest mom ever. I love my kids, they are so awesome and total geniuses. I have a boy and a girl, both in their teens. My son (16) is a computer whiz and excellent musician; taught himself how to tune and play the guitar, and can pick up and play most instruments instantly. He plays piano by ear. My daughter (13) is a fantastic artist for her age. One day I may show you some of her art. But no pics of them either right now!

I am also blessed to have met my soul mate, my Bear. He is my inspiration and my insanity, the love of my life and the pain in my ass! I will never love again after him, both because no man could top him, and because I don’t think I want to deal with another male ego to pet and baby. I love him dearly, we’ve been together a long time. He is a Gaga monster as well. In fact, I will admit that he was a fan before I was. He liked “Just Dance” before I did, and he was utterly fascinated by her at the 2009 VMA’s. At first I was a little jealous, but once he showed me, (and the kids and everyone else in my immediate family) stills of her during that performance, and other pictures of her everyone said that he wasn’t nuts, and that she did indeed look similar to me. (sans the blood). I still don’t always see it. I think it is sweet of him to say it though. I am his Monster and he is mine and we are both Gaga’s.

And of course, being the average male Bear that he is, he would love to get her and me (and him!) together. ;) Oh, disco HEAVEN! I loved showing him the pics of our Lady at Gagapalooza this year!

Well, it’s about time for me to stop. I will write again. My catharsis is yet to be completed…

Kitsune Lady/
Back to fox in the blink of/
Golden glowing eyes.

Trots off into dark/
Her thoughts always deeper than/
The sea of spirits…

1 comment:

  1. CORRECTION: i said the pic above looked like me 10 years ago...actually, if gaga is 19 in that pic, then it would have to be more like 16 years later! Sorry! I still look at least a decade younger than 35, but you'll just have to take my word for it!
