Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Words, You Are Failing Me...

I’m just going to rant a little. I already know that the subject I’m going to type about is touchy, so I am apologizing in advance. I am going to say some words that some people may be offended by, but please be assured that my intent is the opposite of offense. I apologize in advance for using these words that offend, but I have a point and a valid reason for using them.

I have to say that I am, as a wordsmith, unhappy with the trend in history, to take words that had a different meaning as our language developed, as use them in a way that doesn't even follow the word's original intent or meaning. People, you have ruined some words beyond all recognition.

For example, the word "fairy". A fairy, by Webster's definition, is a "tiny graceful imaginary being in human form, with magic powers". Not one thing about a human person's sexual preference! Yet, can I say that I like fairies, or he or she looks like a fairy? OMG, No! Someone ruined that word, using it to mean gay. Whoever you are, I despise you, word ruiner!

"Fairy" does not mean gay! “Fag” does not mean gay! “Faggot” does not mean gay! Arrgh~!

A "Fag” is a verb. It means to be tired from working hard, as in "I'm so fagged out right now from working late shift for 18 hours."

"Faggot" means "a bundle of sticks or twigs to be used as fuel to start or keep a fire going" as in the sentence " gather me a faggot or two, so I have enough WOOD to start a FIRE."

"Gay" for that matter means "joyous and lively, merry" or "bright; brilliant" Yes, it also now says "homosexual", but it didn't used to say it, dammit! I want to be able to say "I had a gay time at the party!" & "These Christmas lights are so gay and cheery!"

I understand the change in the word “bitch” from female dog, to female, period. But how did it ever come to mean “a woman regarded as bad-tempered or malicious” as in “she’s so bitchy, she set my car on fire”? And yes I say bitchy myself, but I have a hard time calling someone a bitch, unless they actually are bad-tempered & malicious!

A friend of mine was called another name I despise the use of. "Dike" does NOT mean a mannish lesbian! A dike is "an embankment or dam made to prevent flooding by the sea". If a man or woman (or “two-spirited” (bi)) is big/small cute/ugly or WHATEVER, there is no need to be cruel in a person’s description, either to them personally, or to anyone else. There is such a thing as karma, whether you call it that or not, or believe in it or not, things will ALWAYS ‘bite you in the ass’ sooner or later, and the shitty things you do to someone will come back one day to put you on the other end of the shitty stick.

The N word is next, and I will tell you that this word use has irritated me greatly. It has caused all kinds of word repercussions, so that I have to watch who I even say the word “boy” to! This is ridiculous. If you are African-American, I apologize for all the people who have hurt your race so, that words actually do hurt you. I grew up with the term “black” for people of color, but really that is incorrect as well. I would only use a color to describe the tone of a person’s skin, as in “she had a caramel tan” or “her skin was like melted chocolate”. However growing up saying “black” people & “white” people is what I am used to, so sometimes it will slip in.  I also don’t usually say African-American, sorry. I actually don’t care what color a person’s skin color is anymore than I care what religion a person is, or what sexual preference a person has. All that ever matters to me are ‘is this person kind or hateful to me’ if kind, I reciprocate; if hateful, I ignore, block or, in threat of my life, exterminate.

Back to my original point. The “N Word” “Nigger” DOES NOT MEAN A PERSON OF DARK COLORED SKIN!!!!!!! Dammit! A “Niggard” is a “stingy person, miser” as in “Ebenezer Scrooge & Scrooge McDuck are both niggards.”  To” niggle” is “to be finicky” as in “My cat is such a niggler, he only eats tuna” and “niggling” is “of little importance.” For example, “I don’t always capitalize my i’s because it is too niggling. Spell Check will do it for me.”

 As far as I can find, the actual word “nigger” means a person who is lazy, a good-for-nothing, as in “I really don’t want my son to grow up to be a nigger, but right now all he ever does is sleep, and he can’t keep a job. I think he stole some money out of my purse last week!”

Some ignoramus back in history screwed up all those words when he/she/they started using that words for slaves of other colors. If I could go back in time, I would slap the shit out of you word murderers! You horrible word ruiners! How dare you!

I never say the “N-word” It is ruined. I hate that people use it and all these other words to hurt others with. “Sticks & Stones will break my bones; but words will never hurt me” isn’t true.

Words hurt; words can leave lasting scars on peoples psyche and soul.

I detest all the hate in the world. I really do care about all of you fellow monsters and human beings. I wish there was an easy button to fix everything, and make people realize that we are all the same color underneath our skin, and that our religions and governments are ALL screwed up. We shouldn’t be flinging hate with our words and our fists! If you don’t like a person, just stay away from them, or tell them politely to leave you be. (And yeah, I know, that doesn’t always work.)
 Unfortunately, our humanity is making us all forget that we are more than just bags of flesh. We are more than our skin color, or nationality, our religions, our sexual preferences, or are locations in the world. We, each of us, are individuals, made of genetic materials that form a being with a mind & a heart & a spirit. No matter where you think you’ll go when you die, or what you think will happen to you, you really just don’t know, do you?

So whether you think this life is all we get, or not, or whether there is heaven, hell, Valhalla, whatever, why spend your days causing misery to yourself, your family, your friends, and your daily communication with the world in general? Don’t let yourself be filled with hate towards your fellow humans! Hate will only destroy you, physically, mentally or otherwise, in the end.

And leave my words alone! Dammit!

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